Our Designated Drivers, “The White Hats” who save the night, should be able to sport theirs too!
With much power comes much responsibility. And when you have to drive a bunch of inebriated friends (and possibly soon-to-be frenemies) home at the end of the night, risking someone blowing chucks in the backseat, front seat….or even FROM-Back-TO-Front Seat, no one deserves their own drink time hat more than the Oh-So-Wonderful-And-Popular “DD” or in our world, the “DTDD” the Drink Time Designated Driver.
These oh so popular hats are exactly what they sound like; identifiers of the noble ones. The ones who lost a bet (and had to), took it for the team or they don’t drink ANYWAY. Regardless, they’re tasked with getting you or them home.
Your day is coming and nothing feels better than putting that awesome stamp of authority on your dome and wearing it proud with your head up high; as the Drink Time Designated Driver!
We ALL know it’s Drink Time and NOW we all know who “The White Hats” are.
Originally this was only going to be offered in white with the red stitching, but we figured, why not expand one of the variables, so now we have them in different color baseball caps.
- White Hats Red Cursive Designated Driver Drink Time Baseball Cap$26.00 – $26.50